It's just a phase, give 'em some space.

by Sanctuary Gaming

Salutations fellow Gaming Knights,
It's been a hot minute, but we've heard the community's feedback to our new play space policy and have decided to straighten things out a little and sweeten the deal for all of our distinguished members and yet-to-be members! 

As mentioned previously in our Facebook update, we made the decision to close off a portion of our play space for reserved seating for the time being. Why? There are 3 main reasons to that, namely, space constraints, accountability, and of course, everyone's safety. 

"Why do we need to pay for space for seating? Seating was free in phase 2, but costs money in phase 3?!" - Disgruntled Player A

Well, with the current pandemic, our shop has limited seats to accommodate  our walk-in crowd and players. In order to minimize the amount of contact and provide comfortable seating for all our patrons while ensuring the proper safety measures are in place, we have opted to employ this policy as a form of crowd and conduct control for the moment. While we do appreciate everyone coming down to enjoy the games we all love, as we are a venue for entertainment that is visible to the public eye, the checks on us recently have been frequent and harsh. By turning a percentage of our tables into reserved seating, we hope that players will only come down as needed and not at random intervals to seek out their destined rival of fate. Following the safety measures and store rules in place, as well as coming down as part of the same playgroup, does help us to manage and regulate the play space more effectively for everyone.

"B-b-but... that's pay to win! How are we supposed to enjoy our premium pieces of shiny cardboard now?" - Distressed Player B

We understand your concerns, but that's not quite the case. What players are actually paying for is the privilege of RESERVED seating for 4 hours! What is reserved seating you ask? It is an option for priority seating for you and your playgroup to secure a play space for 4 hours. You can just drop by and not worry about any lack of space during the chosen time slot and enjoy your games with 4 drinks/snacks to boot! Players who have made a reservation are always guaranteed space. Patrons dropping by the shop to make purchases or collect items ordered will still have space allocated to them, but it is subjective to our staff's discretion. Do remember that while it may be phase 3 now, random play and gatherings are still heavily discouraged at this point of time and is one of the hardest things for us to control with a full house in addition to walk ins. Furthermore, we are deciding to give our members the option to make reservations for a play space for two once every week at the current 2PM-6PM weekday slots up to a maximum of 3 tables worth of seats each day.

"Woe is me! Why are there are no reserved slots that fit my timing! Is there another way that I can get to use space in the shop?" - Dismayed Player C

In addition to the reserved seating slots during the afternoons, we also have allocated slots for different games on different days after 6pm!
Monday - N/A
Tuesday - MTG(Commander)
Wednesday - FFTCG(Evening)
Thursday - Digimon(Evening)/ YGO(Evening)
Friday - MTG(Standard/Modern/Commander)
Saturday - Digimon(Afternoon) /ZX (Afternoon) /Vanguard (Evening) 
Sunday - YGO(Afternoon) / DBSTCG(Evening)

For reserved seating at other timeslots, that is something we are currently looking into at the moment, and we will post an update in the future should more options for timeslots open up. 

The option to reserve table space or sign up for game nights pods with friends will be available for reservation on our home page under the calendar on our home page. Monday to Friday (5 tables of 4pax from 2-6PM) and on weekends (2 tables of 4pax from 1PM to 5PM) at $18 a session with 4 $1.5 drinks or snacks included.

As always, we appreciate everyone's support and understanding during this period, and we'd like to remind everyone to keep themselves happy, safe and healthy during phase 3! Till we meet again!

Sanctuary Gaming Team

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